2-4:00 pm
Room 1-114
- MITCET Priorities and Business: This will be an informal agenda-setting discussion for a strategy and process to address:
- Opportunities and issues from our discussions so far to inform educational technology strategy and framework for investments. Our discussions so far have identified some important opportunities to direct our educational technology efforts and resources, coming out of the DUE priorities, the Task force recommendations for curriculum innovation/reform, from our discussions on leveraging OCW for greater value to MIT education as well as the need to institutionalize innovations launched in recent years.
Examples of these directions include an increased focus on global experiences, advising/mentoring, addressing the diversity of preparation among our students, innovating with new mixtures of residential and cyberspace in UG courses, more personalized attention to learning with enabling technology as well as linking research and teaching more closely.
MITCET needs to develop a strategy and process to prioritize and address these opportunities.
- What are key educational priorities to be addressed through educational technology?
- What are the kinds of activities that we would undertake to understand evaluate and realize these directions?
- MITCET Deliverables and Reports – MITCET has to deliver or receive, reports on the topics below: Review of the status, format and schedule.
- OCW Recommendations for Sustainability
- MITCET Annual Report: State of MIT educational technology: Vision and Strategy elements; Key Initiatives; resource allocation priorities; Policy and Organizational implications
- Ed Tech Priorities and resource allocation (Provost and for IT-SPARCC)
- Ed Innovation Grants (d’Arbeloff) Update
- Student Information Systems – Status and Visions
- Subject Evaluation
- Report on ACCORD
- Innovation Outreach Progress Report
- OEIT Update
- New Teaching and Learning Spaces (includes Athena Cluster transition plans; Classroom Committee Report; Level5 classrooms; Task Force recos).
- Educational Content Roadmap: Stellar/Course Management System; Repositories (DSpace)
- Educational Technology Student Innovation Award. (iCampus): Scope and Process
MIT received a special endowment gift from Microsoft Research on behalf of iCampus, to support awards to recognize creative student projects in information technology that improve education, community, and learning was established. The DUE Office of Educational Innovation and Technology (OEIT) has established the annual Student Technology iCampus Innovation (STICI) Awards.