Monday, April 9, 2012

1.  Plan for Symposium on Online Education:   “Online Learning for MIT Education:  At the intersection of Residential Learning and MITx”, (Working title) on May 24, 2012, 2:00 – 5.00.

We are planning a workshop/symposium on May 24, 2:00-5:00 directed towards understanding the impact and implications of the online initiatives that have been launched (MITCET Alumni supported projects) for curriculum, learning, infrastructure as well as the intersection with MITx, with a view towards identifying and addressing the research issues and scaling considerations.

Discussion on:

– Desired Outcomes

– Key Themes/Topics to address

– Program and Format.

– Key participants

(A draft program will be presented for discussion)

2.  MITCET Experiments:

Context: So far MITCET has launched 3 Experiments: Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry and Aero/Astro. These experiments have progressed apace and a status update was presented at our meeting in February. These projects are employing a range of approaches directed toward making MIT undergraduate education much more flexible and richer.  What do we want to learn from these experiments?   What steps should be taken to understand and monitor the collective impact of these projects for the intended goals?  What might be areas for additional experiments in light of the opportunities of high interest that we had identified?

Discussion of Anthropology proposal for a MITCET Experiment.

3.  Updates:

– Comments on DUE Visiting Committee discussion on Online and Residential education.

– Learning Spaces Report.



