Category: 2010

  • Monday, December 13, 2010

    2:30 – 5:00 pm Rm. 1-214 Agenda Finalizing and fleshing out priorities for technology integrated learning. This will be based on the following categories of activities (themes) that have emerged from the ideas/scenarios that have been contributed. Greatly improved interactive tools and simulations, including assessment and advising Much increased flexibility in course delivery including dynamic…

  • Friday, November 19, 2010

    2:00 – 4:30pm Rm. 33-206 Agenda Part 1: University of California Online Education Pilot: Discussion with Daniel Greenstein, UC’s vice provost of Academic Planning, Programs, and Coordination. (Via Teleconference)The University of California has launched a pilot project designed to test whether undergraduate online courses can be taught in a way that delivers UC-quality instruction Dan…

  • Wednesday, October 27, 2010

    2:30 – 5:00 pm Rm. 1-214 Agenda Welcome and Iintrodcution of new members and charter Provost Charge to MITCET for technology-integrated learning and planning process TLL Presentation on effective learning (Lori Breslow) Review of Information (Vijay Kumar) Faculty and Student focus groups MIT initiatives Data on state of teaching and learning at MIT related to…