
Specific Responsibilities of the Council

  1. The Council will undertake strategic visioning and provide strategic guidance concerning the application of information technology to education.
  2. The Council will be an advocate for central internal MIT resources committed to educational technology innovation. It will also assist in raising external resources for educational technology innovation.
  3. MITCET will provide reports to IT-SPARCC and advocate specifically for major resource allocation to educational technology with IT-SPARCC.
  4. MITCET will periodically review the working of the collaboration among DUE, IS&T and the Libraries to provide seamless access to educational technology innovation and services to the faculty. This will include OCW, and other organizations as appropriate
  5. The Council will advise the Provost on allocating resources for educational technology infrastructure, programs, and experiments. These resources will come both from within MIT and from externally generated grants, gifts, and collaborations.
  6. The Council will advise the Dean for Undergraduate Education on DUE activities related to educational technology.
  7. The Council will report annually to the Faculty and the Administration on the state of MIT educational technology.
  8. The Council will work with VP for IS&T and IT-SPARCC on reviewing new strategic educational initiatives for MIT (e.g., pre-college education or international activities) with particular focus on their implications for Institute technology infrastructure
  9. The Council will serve as a point of coordination for the advisory committees that oversee major MIT educational technology programs (OCW, DSpace, Stellar, AMPS, …), and it may request periodic reports from these committees and the associated programs.
  10. The Council will monitor the effectiveness of Institute-funded educational technology activities, and it may serve as a review board in the case of requests for continued Institute funding.
  11. The Council will undertake periodic reviews including fact-finding activities involving other institutions for benchmarking and comparisons.
  12. The Council will review the activities of MIT information technology organizations that have policy implications for MIT education (for example, who can get access to educational services via the network?) and advise the Provost as appropriate.
  13. The Council will sponsor activities and events aimed at informing the MIT community about educational technology initiatives, opportunities, and best practices.
  14. The Council may conduct discussions on behalf of MIT with potential collaborators concerning Institute initiatives in educational technology. It will recommend actions to the senior administration for follow-up and approval.
  15. MITCET will coordinate its activities closely with CUP and CGP and the School Deans.

Structure of the Council

The Council will have two co-chairs who will be the Dean for Undergraduate Education and a faculty member appointed by the Provost. The Council will have as an executive officer the director of the DUE Office of Educational Innovation and Technology. The membership of the Council will consist of the following statutory members:

  1. The VP for IS&T
  2. The head of the Libraries
  3. The director of MIT Open Course Ware
  4. The Chair of the faculty
  5. The Chair of CUP
  6. The Chair of CGP

In addition, there will be one faculty member from each School appointed by the appropriate School Dean and up to three faculty members appointed by the Provost for three year terms (renewable), as well as a representative of the Alumni Association. Finally one undergraduate and one graduate student will be invited to participate through the UA and GSC nominations processes. The council will meet regularly.