External Initiatives

Carnegie Mellon University

  • Open Learning Initiative
    Using intelligent tutoring systems, virtual laboratories, simulations, and frequent opportunities for assessment and feedback, the Open Learning Initiative (OLI) builds courses that are intended to enact instruction – or, more precisely, to enact the kind of dynamic, flexible, and responsive instruction that fosters learning.


  • Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning
    The Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning (SCIL) conducts scholarly research to advance the science, technology and practice of learning and teaching.
  • Ubiquity
    “Ubiquity seeks to explore the new world of computing + communications infrastructure that makes it possible to have access to information whenever and wherever we need it. For the academic community, this means we can capture data, interact with data, seek information, and communicate with collaborators whether we are in the classroom, in the field, at home, or on the road. We created this blog to share in our common discovery of how mobile computing can affect the ways in which the academy conducts its business”

University of California

  • Berkeley: webcast.berkeley (pp. 36-39)
  • Systemwide: UC Commission on the Future
    Continue timely exploration of online instruction in the undergraduate curriculum, as well as in self-supporting graduate degrees and Extension programs.Online education is a rapidly maturing phenomenon whose presence is growing in undergraduate, graduate, and extension curricula at UC and peer institutions. If questions related to quality, cost, workload and support can be appropriately answered, it appears to afford potential opportunities to:

    • improve UC students’ time to degree;
    • create some distinctive opportunities with respect to course content, social networking applications, and differing learning opportunities or needs;
    • extend UC’s reach in academic preparation of university-bound high school and community college students (e.g., through dual-enrollment);
    • satisfy unmet need for post-baccalaureate degrees and certificates that prepare students for work in occupations that are in particularly high-demand in California; and
    • generate revenues and create workload efficiencies that support the University’s educational mission.
  • Accordingly, the working group recommends the expeditious pursuit of the pilot project being coordinated by the Office of the President which, with appropriate Academic Senate oversight and faculty participation, will develop and deliver up to 40 online undergraduate courses, evaluating their quality, learning effectiveness, workload impacts, costs, etc.


Harvard Medical School