Monday, Feb. 22, 2010

2:00 – 3:30 pm
Rm. 12-196


  1. Input/Discussion on framing issues for the upcoming DUE Visiting Committee leading to advice and advocacy on technology-enabled change for education (2:05 p.m.)
    • Possible Topics: How can we move more effectively to a hybrid education model; what should we expect/require of students in terms of technology and devices they bring?
  2. Status Update on MITCET funded initiative on Global Education, – “Kim” Kimmerling, Mindy Baughman, Brandon Muramatsu (2:35 p.m.)
  3. Update on process for Task Force Recommendations on Athena.
  4. Other:
    • Proposal for an extended session on Planning in April.
    • Pending agenda item on benchmarking and evaluation – next steps.



