9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Rm. 11-103
- Presentation/Discussion of recommendations on:
- The value of “residentially based education”
- The implications of these recommendations for MIT’s overall educational technology strategy
- Based on a series of discussions led by Dan Hastings last year in response to a request from the Provost to present recommendations on this topic.
- Issue: In a residentially based education where we feel there is value in “bumping” into each what are the learning spaces of the future? A number of trends are converging. The advent of interactive web based learning materials, the growth of open web based course material and a richer understanding of different learning styles on the part of students all will bring new mixes of teaching and learning in the future. These demand strategic thinking for MIT so that we are not complacent and passed by as a leading educational institution.
- Related questions
- Where will we be in twenty years given these trends if we want a substantially improved residential based education?
- What do we have to do to get there?
- How do we get the value proposition right for the average faculty member?
- Can we summarize the best current thinking on these issues?
- Update on Global RFP
- Future Meetings